Update on CARES Act Provider Relief Fund

The Department of Health and Human Services recently announced a grant program available to dentists to provide relief for increased costs due to Coronavirus. (Please see our blog post from July 13th for more details on the grant program.) Buried in the terms and conditions of this grant was some language in reference to Out of Network billing that some CPAs considered to be potentially problematic. We are glad to see the below release from the ADA yesterday that confirms our initial opinion on the language contained in the terms and conditions. The CARES Act Provider Relief Fund will not be a problem for dental providers who are not treating COVID-19 directly.

Another piece of great news with regard to the CARES Act Provider Relief Fund is that the deadline for application has been extended from July 24th to August 3rd. If you have not applied yet, you still have time to do so at the link below.



What should your dental practice be collecting?


CARES Provider Relief Fund